🍐 我们总结了加拿大代写中——Essay代写的经典案例,如果你有任何论文代写的需要,可以随时联络我们。CoursePear™ From @2009。
DUE: FEB 23, 2022
1100-1200 WORDS
Choose ONE of these essay topics, and write an argumentative essay analyzing one or more of the satires, novels, and short stories we have studied this semester.
Make sure to include a thesis that lays out all of the building blocks for your argument, which will have corresponding body paragraphs. Include an introduction and several body paragraphs that analyze quotations from the text(s), and finish with a conclusion. If you read any secondary, scholarly sources, make sure to list them in a Works Cited page at the end of your essay.
The best sources are books from university presses, and the introductions from the course volumes. Articles from JSTOR, Google Scholar, and MLA Bibliography are also good sources of scholarship.
- Write an essay on concerns about “human nature.” What does the text or texts in question suggest about what is essential, or what the characters learn about human nature?
- Write an essay about dreams. What does the story in question suggest about dreams? Why is the vehicle of the dream used to tell the story at hand?
- Write an essay about language, imagination, and their relationship to truth. You might ask what the role of deception is in the story or stories you are analyzing. Produce an argument that assesses the truthfulness of characters or narrators.
- Write an essay about time and history. How is time conceptualized by the characters or narrators, and what set of concerns does temporality touch? What does the story (or stories) suggest about progress through time or about the relationship between time and eternity?
- Write an essay about experiments and science. What does the story or stories suggest about the relationship of knowledge to morality or practicality?
- How does the story or stories address the social or political concerns of the author’s time? Which concerns are they, and how are they addressed in the incidents of a given story?
- Write an essay characterizing the conception of “suffering” as represented in a story or set of stories. What does the story or stories suggest about the nature of suffering?
- Write an essay about “lawyers” as characters, and the way that a given story represents documents of law, or legal governance.
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