Academic Integrity


  • 公司或coursepear.com是域名coursepear.com下的一个平台,它是一个保持最高教育标准和促进学术诚信的服务。
  • coursepear专家或专家是指被公司聘为自由职业者,在公司协议内提供服务的人(协助写作或完成任务的形式,为客户提供已完成任务的样本,用于研究目的)。
  • 客户是指访问coursepear.com以获得coursepear.com专家的专业帮助的人。或者使用平台上免费提供的工具或学术作业样本。
  • 写作服务是本公司及其专家在规定的时间范围内,根据客户的严格要求提供的服务。
  • “提供写作服务 “是指创作、写作或以任何方式制作一个完整或部分完成的作业样本,包括学期论文、毕业论文、论文、报告或其他书面以及录音、图片、艺术和其他作业,以获取报酬。
  • 产品是指交付的写作服务的结果。它是一个已完成的学术任务的样本,不打算提交给任何大学、学院、研究院、学校或其他由国家特许、注册、许可、注册或监督的教育机构,以满足任何此类教育机构的学位、文凭、证书或课程的要求。

Interpretation of Terms

  • Company or is a platform under the domain which is a service that maintains the highest educational standards and promotes academic integrity.
  • coursepear Expert or Expert is a person who is engaged by the Company as a freelancer who provides services within the Company Agreement (assistance in writing or completing assignments in the form of providing a Customer with a sample of a completed task for research purposes).
  • A customer is a person who visits in order to get the professional assistance from an Expert. Or to use the tools or samples of academic assignments provided on the platform free of charge.
  • Writing Service is a service provided by the Company and its Experts within a defined time frame and under strict Customer‘s requirements.
  • “To deliver Writing Service” means to create, write or in any way produce, either fully or in parts, a sample of a completed assignment covering a term paper, thesis, dissertation, essay, report or other written as well as recorded, pictorial, artistic and other assignments for a fee.
  • Product means a result of a delivered Writing Service. It is a sample of a completed academic task that is not intended for submission to any university, college, academy, school, or other educational institution which is chartered, incorporated, licensed, registered, or supervised by the state, in fulfillment of the requirements of a degree, diploma, certificate or course of study at any such educational institution.


coursepear.com在全球分享促进高等教育的个人学习方法的活动。 shares in the global movement towards individual learning approaches that facilitate higher education.


In this document, we share our vision for the proper usage of our service. declares that the practice of trafficking in academic materials serves no legitimate purpose and tends to undermine the academic process to the detriment of students, the academic community, and the public and that such practices are not be allowed within Experts are not allowed to condone academic dishonesty, which involves assisting students in cheating, obtaining grades with a paper written by an Expert, or obtaining degrees with a dissertation or thesis written by Expert.


  • 剽窃
  • 复制coursepear.com专家的作品而不注明出处。
  • 勾结
  • 与一个或多个其他个人合作,以未经授权的方式完成一项作业。
  • 抄袭
  • 复制和提交coursepear.com专家的工作,无论他们是否知情。
  • 冒名顶替
  • 在面对面的考试中谎称自己或委托他人冒充自己的行为。
  • 合同作弊
  • 与第三方签订合同来完成评估任务,通常是为了换取金钱或其他方式的付款。
  • 捏造和篡改数据
  • 操纵或编造数据,以支持错误的结论,包括操纵图像。

List of Prohibited Task Requests


CoursePear平台或移动应用程序的用户如果违反了我们的荣誉准则中确定的限制,将立即被永久禁止进入我们的平台,并且无法恢复其账户。Users of the CoursePear platform or Mobile Application who will infringe the restrictions identified in our Honor Code will immediately be banned from our platform permanently, without the ability to recover their account.

  • 制作假的财务报告。The creation of fake financial reports.
  • 制作带有虚假工作经验的简历。Making CVs with fake job experience.
  • 创建任何类型的官方文件。Creating official documents of any type.
  • 出于任何意图或目的冒充学生的身份。The impersonation of a student’s identity for any intent or purpose.
  • 准备大学学术或教育材料,并作为学生自己的作品出现。The preparation of college academic or educational materials to be presented as a student’s own work.
  • 编造虚假数据、信息或引文;任何其他违反学院或公司政策的行为或任务。The fabrication of fake data, information, or citations; any other actions or tasks that violate college or corporate policies.
CoursePear- Honor Code

学术诚信的滥用 Academic Integrity Abuse


If you become aware of any case of Academic Integrity violations on the Platform, please immediately contact us and report the abuse.

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有任何问题,请随时联络我们。If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.