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描述并比较 “大跃进 “和 “文化大革命”。
定义 “关系”,并解释与中国人初次会面的关联性。以AT&T案例或在线中美贸易谈判模拟为例,并至少包括两点有效应用的关系。
解释库兹涅茨曲线,并说明它在以下方面是否适用于中国:(i) 不平等;(ii) 空气微粒污染;以及(iii) 温室气体排放。

  1. Describe and compare the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.
  2. Define guanxi and explain the relevance to the initial meeting with the Chinese. Use the AT&T case or the online US-China trade negotiation simulation as an example, and include at least two points of guanxi applied effectively. 
  3. In 2020-21 China imposed barriers on the import of eight Australian commodities. Focusing on two of those cases, discuss the mechanism by which Australian exporters have sought to adjust to the barriers, which of these adjustment mechanisms have been the most important for each commodity, the change in value of Australian exports since May 2020 to China and worldwide, and the reason for those trends. Provide references. 
  4. Briefly describe economic growth in China over the last 40 years, and list (at least) three underlying reasons for that growth path. 
  5. Compare the current Chinese debt situation with the USA debt situation before the Global Financial Crisis (GFC).
  6. Explain the Kuznets Curve, and describe whether it applies in China with regards to (i) inequality; (ii) air-particle pollution; and (iii) greenhouse gas emissions.



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