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Paper 1: IAT.  9.16 due

For this assignment, complete two Implicit Association Tests. Go to https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/ to do the tests. You must do any two of these tests: Age, Weight, Asian, Religion, Sexuality, Gender-Science, Race, Transgender, Weapons, Presidents, Skin-tone, Native, Gender-Career. Write a short response paper (500 words minimum, about 2 pages double-spaced) about what you learned from completing the Implicit Association Test. Use the information from Chapter 4 about implicit attitudes in your paper to help you understand and interpret your responses on the IAT. Note: the paper must be a word document or pdf. Put your name on it. Worth 40 points.


20 points – In-depth description: Describe which IAT tests you took and what your results were. You must take two IAT tests and describe both tests. The student describes what they learned from completing the IAT.

7 points– Paper refers to some of the materials and concepts from the Attitudes chapter (chapter 4) or other relevant social psychology theories or concepts to interpret your results from the IAT test. You don’t have to include specific in-text citations and you don’t need references at the end, but it will help you to be specific in what concept you’re referring to from chapter 4, e.g., say things like, “According to X theory in chapter 4…”.

8 points– Quality of Writing – Paper is well-written, clear, easy to understand the points the author is making. The paper has logical arguments.

5 points-The paper has proper grammar and spelling.

Paper will be submitted using SafeAssign. Students should check the SafeAssign report to make sure there are no issues with plagiarism. If there are, students should revise the paper accordingly and turn in the revised draft ASAP.

Paper 2: Structural racism. Due 11.8 4

Social psychology deals with people interacting with other people, whether it’s two people in an intimate relationship, a crowd of thousands, or people interacting on social media. All this behavior is operating within a larger structure: the laws, policies, institutions, history, and social norms that often are invisible to us, but nevertheless, they are there in every interaction. This is where the “isms” reside: racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism, anti-Semitism, and on and on. For this paper, I want you to focus on structural racism. You will be responding to three readings and one video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZEVAVf6_Ak&t=121s). For this paper, I would like you to respond to these materials by writing a reflection paper in which you 1) summarize what you thought were the key take-home points from the readings, and 2) describe a situation you observed (either in your own life, or something in the media) that illustrated structural racism. For point #1, to make it clear you’ve done all of the readings, include at least a couple of sentences about each one – but your paper can focus more on one particular reading if it best pertains to the points you want to make. For point #2, if you choose to write about something you read about in the news or other media, include a link to it. Note: Paper should be 1,000 words minimum, about 4 pages double-spaced. The paper must be a word document or pdf. Put your name on it. Worth 50 points.


10 points – Paper summarizes key take-home points from the readings, particularly those that are relevant to the situation you are describing that illustrated structural racism.

10 points – Paper clearly describes a situation you observed (either in your own life, or something in the media) that illustrated structural racism.

5 points– Paper clearly explains how the situation illustrates structural racism.

10 points– Paper refers specifically to each of the readings and video.  For example, the paper says things like, “According to Wilkerson’s article…”. If you are using these four readings/video as your only sources, you don’t have to include specific in-text citations and you don’t need references at the end, but you do need to refer to the specific readings. If you include any other sources (optional), use APA style in-text citations and references at the end. 

10 points– Quality of Writing – Paper is well-written, clear, easy to understand the points the author is making. The paper has logical arguments.

5 points -The paper has proper grammar and spelling.

One letter grade off each day the paper is late.

Paper will be submitted using SafeAssign. Students should check the SafeAssign report to make sure there are no issues with plagiarism. If there are, students should revise the paper accordingly and turn in the revised draft ASAP.

EC due 11.30

To receive extra credit, students need to write a thoughtful 2 page double-spaced paper (minimum 500 words) on how the film relates to social psychology principles, theories, or concepts.  Use these theories and principles to describe why the characters behave in the way that they do.

Here are some movies you can choose from:

  1. The Big Short (2015)

This film is about the cause of the financial meltdown circa 2008-2009. The story has lots of social psychology in it – to give just one example, how did the main characters (based on real people), who bet against the mortgage bonds that were considered infallible by everyone else, do so in spite of the tremendous social pressure applied to them for going against the crowd?  This film beautifully illustrates the thin line between social psychology and economics, the latter of which, after all, is about how people behave with money. 

  • The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)
  • The Witness – A Documentary about Kitty Genovese (2016)
  • Experimenter: The Stanley Milgram Story (2015)
  • Crash (2004). Los Angeles citizens with vastly separate lives collide in interweaving stories of race, loss and redemption.



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