我们总结了Brown University EDUC2360的经典案例,如果你有任何STATA代写的需求,请随时联系我们。
EDUC 2360
Problem Set 2
In this problem set, you build on the data set and analysis in PS1. The instructions remain the same.
You should turn in a set of answers to the questions below, organizing your answers explicitly in response to the questions. In other words, I would include the question and type your response immediately below. Most of your responses can be a sentence or a brief paragraph, although you should frame your responses in text (e.g., don’t just put the number) and explain your reasoning (e.g., “Yes.” is not a sufficient response). While I do not require specific formats for tables, etc., in general they should look professional, formatted like something you would be proud to send to your supervisor.
Be sure to include answers to ALL of the sub-questions in each question.
You should also create a STATA log file that contains the commands and results of your final analysis. Append the log to your responses.
STATA should not be a barrier to your successful completion of this assignment. If you are struggling with STATA, let me know. In particular, if you tell me exactly what you want to get STATA to do, I can help you with the code to accomplish that. In other words, I care much more that you understand the concept.
How and what do I turn in?
- If you work in a pair please only turn in ONE assignment – it does not matter who turns it in.
- You should turn in a Word document (not a PDF).
- Provide numbered answers in a separate blank word document (not this doc).
- Append your log file to the end of this same document.
- Upload your answers/log file in a single document to the assignments page in Canvas. Please do NOT email me your answers, even if they are late.
- Please put names at the very END of the document
You will use the same data as PS1. Again, the earn_78 variable, which represents the individual’s earnings in 1978, is your outcome. The nsw variable indicates whether the individual were assigned to the NSW program or not (nsw=1 for individuals in the treatment group, 0 for individuals in the control group).
Importantly, for this assignment, it also includes an indicator for whether the individual dropped out of the program (noncompleter=1 for individuals who dropped out, 0 for individuals who completed the program, and is missing for individuals in the control group).
In PS1, you estimated the effect of being assigned to the NSW program on individuals’ earnings in 1978. Here, you will estimate the effect of completing the program.
- {10 points} Some individuals in the NSW program dropped out before completing the program.
- What proportion of treatment group members actually completed the program (noncompleter=0)? (NOTE: noncompleter is missing for members of the control group.)
- What are the average 1978 earnings for program completers (noncompleter=0)?
- Are average earnings higher or lower for program completers than for all members of the treatment group?
- {5 points} If we wanted a better understanding of how well the program actually functions, should we use the average earnings for completers in place of the average earnings for all treatment group members in our estimate of the program effect? Why or why not?
- {10 points} Write out a model to estimate the causal effect of completing the NSW program on 1978 earnings (the treatment on the treated) using an instrumental variable. Explain what variable is your instrumental variable and how this variable satisfies our three criteria for a valid instrument.
- {10 points} Estimate the causal effect of completing the NSW program on 1978 earnings using your IV model. Note that you will need to generate a new variable to define which participants completed the program. How do you interpret this result?
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