🍐 我们总结了美国代写中——Data Science代写中代做Excel的经典案例,如果你有任何代写的需要,可以随时联络我们。CoursePear™ From @2009。
写出你的人事、产品和客户账户建议。在WORD文档文件中,以批准的公司格式写出一页备忘录。 汉纳威总监希望在你的备忘录中至少有5个词汇集使用正确。
描述、分析并创造视觉效果(图表)来支持你的建议。 布朗主任描述了对你的分析的最低期望。
- 一个直方图和它的分析
- 一个饼状图和它的分析
- 一个柱状图和它的分析
- 所有相关数据的描述性统计。
- 使用正确的统计词汇对描述性统计的分析进行正确描述
- 建议。人员、产品、客户账户。
- 实际数据图例或数据字典
在课程开始前,将Word文档的备忘录和Excel电子表格都交给老师。 Excel文件也会被载入到提交箱中,并且必须有工作单元。
Project I: Dandy Candy Sales and Distribution Company
Phase II: Describe, Analyze, Visualize, Report.
You are the manager of a candy wholesale and distribution company. Director Hannaway requested a Sales and Distribution Analysis by Friday COB (Close of Business).
In particular, your job is to:
Write your personnel, product, and customer account recommendations. in a one-page memo in the approved company format in a WORD document file. Director Hannaway expects a minimum of 5 of the Vocabulary words set used correctly in your memo.
Describe, analyze, and create visuals (graphs) to support your recommendations. Director Brown described the minimum expectations for your analysis:
- One Histogram and its analysis
- One Pie Chart and its analysis
- One Bar Chart and its analysis
- Descriptive Statistics on all relevant data .
- Analysis of descriptive statistics correctly described using correct statistics vocabulary
- Recommendations: Personnel, Product, Customer Account.
- Actual Data Legend or Data Dictionary
Hand in BY HAND IN PERSON BEFORE CLASS STARTS both the Word document memo and the Excel spreadsheet. Excel file is also loaded into the drop box and must have working cells.
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