“Email怎么写?给教授请求重新给分数, Redo, 或者推荐信应该怎么说?” 这是大家上学经常遇到的的问题,对于没有写邮件经验的人来说,可以采取以下措施来帮助开始编写邮件:首先,可以通过阅读邮件示例来了解邮件的结构,语气和常用词汇。网络上有大量的邮件示例可供参考,如请求加薪的邮件,感谢信,申请工作的邮件等。通过阅读这些示例邮件,可以帮助您更好地了解邮件的特点和写作技巧。其次,了解收件人的身份和偏好也是很重要的。在写邮件之前,请确保您了解收件人的职务,工作领域和偏好。这可以帮助您选择适当的语气和用词,并确保您的邮件得到及时且积极的回应。最后,如果您对如何编写邮件还有疑虑,可以寻求他人的帮助。您可以向同事,导师,朋友或专业写作服务寻求建议和指导。在寻求帮助时,请确保尊重他人的时间和意见,给予感谢和反馈。
- 主题(Subject):简要描述邮件内容的主题,通常在邮件标题中呈现,尽量让它简明扼要。
- 称呼(Salutation):适当的称呼可以展示你的礼貌和尊重,根据收件人的身份和关系选择。
- 引言(Introduction):在称呼后,通常需要先简要介绍自己,并说明写信的原因和目的。
- 主体(Body):详细说明邮件内容,可以分段来阐述各个方面的内容,注意结构清晰,思路连贯,语言简洁明了。
- 结尾(Conclusion):感谢收件人的时间和关注,并再次概括邮件的主旨和重点,以便让收件人更好地理解和回复。
- 结尾语(Closing):在结束语前,可以再次表达感谢和尊重,并用适当的敬语结束信函。
- 签名(Signature):在结尾语后,用适当的方式签署你的名字和联系方式,以便收件人进一步联系你。
- 确定称呼:邮件开头需要写收件人的称呼。通常情况下,你可以使用“Dear”或“Hello”等称呼来打招呼,然后再加上对方的姓名或职称,比如“Dear Mr. Smith”或“Hello Professor Brown”。
- 自我介绍:如果你和收件人不熟悉,或者是第一次给对方写邮件,可以在邮件开头简要介绍自己,比如你的姓名、所在单位、职位等等。这样有助于收件人了解你的身份和背景,从而更好地理解你的邮件内容。
- 说明邮件目的:在邮件的开头部分,需要简要说明邮件的目的。这样可以让收件人了解你写邮件的原因,从而更好地准备回复你的邮件。例如,如果你要向某位教授咨询关于研究方向的问题,你可以在邮件开头这样写:“我是[你的姓名],是[你所在的学校/单位]的一名学生。我写这封邮件是因为我对您的研究方向很感兴趣,想了解更多相关信息。”
- 表示感谢:如果你是回复对方的邮件,或者是需要对方提供帮助或信息的,可以在邮件开头表示感谢。这样可以表达你的礼貌和尊重,也可以增加对方回复你的意愿。例如,你可以这样写:“感谢您给我发来的邮件,我非常感激您提供的信息。”
- 遵循礼节:在写邮件的开头,需要遵循一定的礼节和规范。如果你不确定应该怎样写,可以查阅相关的礼仪和文书规范,或者参考一些模板和范例,以确保你的邮件开头恰当得体。
Dear Mr. Smith,
My name is [你的姓名] and I am a student at [你所在的学校/单位]. I am writing to inquire about [邮件的目的,比如咨询研究方向、申请工作、请求推荐信等等]. I have read some of your recent research papers and I am very interested in your work in the field of [研究领域]. I would be grateful if you could provide me with some more information on [具体问题或主题].
Thank you very much for your time and attention. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
怎么确定邮件的称谓(Dr. or Professor?)
- 查看对方的职称:如果你给的是某位教授、医生、律师等专业人士写邮件,可以在网上搜索他们的职称,确定正确的称呼。例如,如果对方是一名教授,可以使用“Professor”或“Dr.”作为称呼。
- 确认对方的性别:如果你不确定对方的性别,可以查看对方的名字或在网上搜索他们的个人资料。如果你还是不确定,可以使用“Dear First Name Last Name”或“Dear Sir/Madam”等通用称呼。
- 参考之前的沟通:如果你和对方有过之前的邮件或电话沟通,可以参考之前的称呼。如果对方给你的回复称呼你为“Dear [你的名字]”,那么你可以使用对方的名字或姓氏作为称呼。
- 询问其他人的建议:如果你仍然不确定该使用什么称呼,可以向其他人请教他们的建议,或者在互联网上搜索相应的模板和范例。
请注意,在确定邮件称呼时,尽量避免使用不恰当或者过于亲密的称呼,比如“Hi”、“Hey”、“Dear friend”等,这可能会引起收件人的不适。
怎么写邮件的开头? (引言, Introduction)
- 使用恰当的称呼:在开头使用收件人的正确称呼,比如使用“Dear Mr./Ms./Dr./Professor [Last Name]”或者“Hello [First Name]”,可以传达你的尊重和礼貌。如果你不知道收件人的具体称呼,可以使用“Dear Sir/Madam”或“Dear Hiring Manager”等通用称呼。
- 简短介绍自己:在开头可以简单介绍自己的身份和背景,例如:“我是XXX公司的销售经理”或“我是一名来自中国的留学生”。这可以帮助收件人更好地理解你的立场和目的。
- 表达感谢或问候:在开头可以表达感谢或问候,例如:“感谢您抽出时间来阅读我的邮件”或“希望您度过愉快的一天”。这可以帮助建立良好的沟通氛围。
- 直接进入主题:在某些情况下,如果你的邮件主题非常明确,可以直接进入主题,例如:“我想询问关于XXX的信息”或“我想提供一份关于XXX的报告”。这可以让收件人更快地了解你的意图和请求。
- 开头段落:在电子邮件主体的第一段,说明你的目的并简要介绍主题。这个段落应该简单明了,使读者知道邮件是关于什么的。
- 正文:在主体的主要部分,详细介绍你的想法、请求或建议。为了使你的信息更易读懂,请遵循以下提示:
- 分段:将信息分成小段落,并在段落之间留白。这样可使电子邮件更易读。
- 保持简洁:要言简意赅,不要过多涉及无关的信息。
- 使用具体的、详细的语言:详细说明你的请求、问题或建议,以便读者更好地理解你的意图。
- 使用有用的标题:使用标题来帮助读者更快地了解邮件的内容。
- 结束段落:在主体的最后一段中,总结你的请求或问题,并请求读者采取行动。此外,可以感谢读者的时间和努力,或提供关于你的联系方式。
Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the availability of the apartment you advertised on Craigslist. I am interested in renting the apartment for the next six months, beginning in June.
Could you please provide me with more information about the apartment? Specifically, I would like to know the monthly rent, the security deposit, and the lease terms. Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could send me some pictures of the apartment.
If the apartment is available and the lease terms are agreeable, I would be happy to schedule a viewing at your earliest convenience. Please let me know if this is possible.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
- 总结:在邮件结尾,重申你的请求或问题,并总结你的立场或意见。
- 道别:在邮件结尾,使用适当的道别语,如“祝好”、“谢谢”或“敬礼”,以表示你的尊重和感激之情。
- 表示感谢:在邮件结尾,感谢收件人的时间、帮助或考虑。这可以帮助你建立长期的工作或业务关系。
- 提供联系方式:在邮件结尾,提供你的联系方式,以便收件人可以方便地回复你的邮件或与你联系。这是尤其重要的,如果你希望得到收件人的回复。
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Thank you again for your help. I truly appreciate it. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to return the favor.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
- Best regards:最常用的结尾语,表示尊重和诚挚的问候。
- Sincerely:另一种常见的结尾语,表示真诚的意愿和感激之情。
- Regards:简单而有礼貌的结尾语,适用于正式和非正式的邮件。
- Kind regards:表达亲切的问候和感激之情的方式。
- Thank you:在邮件的结尾,用于表达感谢的情感。
- Best wishes:通常用于个人邮件,表示对收件人的良好祝愿。
- Yours truly:传统的结尾语,表示真诚和尊重。
请注意,结尾语应该与邮件的整体语气和主题保持一致。如果你写的是正式邮件,如求职信或商业邮件,那么最好选择一些更正式和礼貌的结尾语,如“Best regards”或“Sincerely”。如果你写的是非正式邮件,如给朋友或家人的邮件,那么你可以选择一些更亲切和轻松的结尾语,如“Take care”或“Cheers”。
- 使用礼貌的称呼:根据教授的职称和关系,选择适当的称呼,比如“Dear Professor [姓氏]”或“Dear Dr. [姓氏]”。
- 简要说明请求的原因:在邮件的引言部分,简要说明请求的原因,比如请求重新给分数、重做作业或者提供推荐信。
- 说明具体的请求:在邮件的主体部分,说明具体的请求,比如请求重新评分时,需要说明哪些题目或者哪些方面存在争议,并说明自己的理由和证据;如果请求重做作业,需要说明哪些方面需要改进,并询问教授是否可以提供一些指导和建议;如果请求推荐信,需要说明推荐信的用途和期限,并提供一些自己的背景和特点,以便教授更好地撰写推荐信。
- 表达感谢和尊重:在邮件的结尾部分,表达自己的感谢和尊重,并再次强调请求的重要性和必要性。
- 提供联系方式和签名:在邮件的结尾部分,提供自己的联系方式,并用适当的方式签署自己的名字和称谓。
1. 请求改分数的邮件例子 (Re-grading)
Subject: Request for Re-grading of Assignment
Dear Professor [姓氏],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a re-grading of my recent assignment for your [课程名称] class.
While I understand that grading can be subjective, I feel that there may have been an error in the grading of my assignment. Specifically, I believe that my answers to questions [题目编号] and [题目编号] were not given full credit, and I would like to request that you review these answers again. I have attached my original assignment for your convenience, and I would be happy to provide any additional information or clarification that you may need.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I understand that you are likely very busy, and I appreciate your willingness to reconsider my assignment. Please let me know if there is any other information that I can provide to assist you in re-grading my assignment.
2. 请求重新提交的邮件例子 (Resubmission)
Subject: Request for Resubmission of Assignment
Dear Professor [Last Name],
I am writing to request your permission to resubmit my recent assignment for your [Course Name] class. After receiving your feedback, I realize that I made several mistakes and did not meet the requirements as well as I should have.
I have carefully reviewed your comments and suggestions and have taken steps to correct my errors. I believe that with some additional effort and attention, I can produce a much stronger piece of work that reflects my understanding of the course material.
I understand that resubmission may not be possible or may be subject to certain conditions. If it is possible, I would appreciate your guidance on the resubmission process, including any specific requirements or deadlines that I need to follow.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I value your feedback and appreciate the opportunity to learn and improve my work.
[Your Name]
3. 请求推荐信的邮件例子(Recommendation Letter)
Subject: Request for Recommendation Letter
Dear [Professor/Dr./Mr./Ms./Mrs. Last Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a letter of recommendation for [purpose of recommendation]. As one of my [current/past] instructors, I believe that you are the best person to provide this recommendation.
I am [briefly introduce yourself and mention your academic/career goals]. I believe that [purpose of recommendation] will help me achieve my goals and further my academic/professional development. I would be grateful if you could provide a letter of recommendation on my behalf.
If you are able to provide a recommendation, please let me know the specific details you require. I have attached a copy of my resume and a brief overview of my academic/professional background to help you in the letter writing process.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need further information. I would appreciate it if you could let me know your response as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
[Your Name]
4. 请求Curve的邮件例子
Subject: Request for Curve on [Exam/Assignment Name]
Dear Professor [Last Name],
I am writing to request a curve for the [exam/assignment name] that was recently graded in your [Course Name] class. While I understand that grades are an objective measure of academic performance, I believe that the recent [exam/assignment] did not accurately reflect my abilities due to [briefly explain the reason for underperformance, such as an unexpected circumstance or a challenging question].
I understand that the grading process is rigorous and thorough, and I am not seeking a change in my individual grade. However, I believe that a curve would help to account for any discrepancies between the difficulty of the exam/assignment and the performance of the class as a whole. This would also help to ensure that students are evaluated fairly and consistently across different assessments.
I would appreciate your consideration of this request and would be happy to discuss this matter further if needed. Thank you for your time and attention.
[Your Name]
5. 病假邮件的例子
Subject: Request for Sick Leave – [Your Name]
Dear [Manager’s Name],
I am writing to inform you that I am unable to attend work today, [date], due to illness. I apologize for the inconvenience that my absence may cause and hope to resume my work as soon as possible.
I have seen my doctor this morning and have been diagnosed with [briefly state the medical condition]. Based on the doctor’s recommendation, I have been advised to rest at home for the next [number of days] days to allow for a full recovery. I have also been prescribed medication to manage my symptoms.
I will make every effort to ensure that all my tasks are covered during my absence. I have informed [name of colleague] of my situation and have provided them with the necessary information to ensure that my work is completed in my absence.
Please let me know if there is anything else that I need to do or if there are any further steps that need to be taken during my absence. I will keep you updated on my condition and progress and will provide a doctor’s certificate upon my return to work.
Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.
[Your Name]
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