🍐 我们总结了美国代写中——代写Photographic Essay Project的经典案例,如果你有任何Essay代写的需要,可以随时联络我们。CoursePear™ From @2009。
你将创作一篇照片随笔,探索科罗拉多州的一个独特的地方或独特的事物。例如,你可以创作一篇关于落基山国家公园、The Tattered Cover或Lawrence Argent’s Blue Bear的照片文章–它必须是科罗拉多州的东西–而不是在其他州或国家可以找到的东西)。)
你可以使用任何你喜欢的格式来创建项目(Microsoft Word/PPT;在线博客、在线图片程序等)。
写一段话,介绍你的照片文章。 例如,”这篇照片文章是关于….”
夏威夷是最好的旅游目的地之一,因为有冲浪。 夏威夷的海洋温度全年都在78至81度之间,是水上运动的理想场所。 下水的感觉非常好,因为人们不需要穿潜水服来保护自己免受冷水的影响。 此外,由于气候温和,许多人选择在休闲时间冲浪。此外,冲浪课程很便宜,在威基基海滩每小时都有。 然而,如果人们不想上课,他们可以随时前往北岸观看职业冲浪比赛。 每年都有成千上万的游客到欧胡岛北岸来体验世界上最大的海浪。 人们蜂拥至海滩,如管道(Pipeline)和威美亚海湾(Waimea Bay),观看职业选手的冲浪表演。 因此,如果你想体验冲浪运动和文化,夏威夷是最好的旅行地点。
Materials Needed:
Digital camera or camera phone
The Project:
A photo essay is a story told through photographs and words. Your words are used to describe the photos and tell a story.
You will create a photo essay to explore a unique place or unique thing in Colorado. For example, you might create a photo essay on Rocky Mountain National Park, The Tattered Cover, or Lawrence Argent’s Blue Bear – It must be something that is COLORADO – not something that can be found in other states or countries).
You should choose something that you are interested in. You might need to visit the place or thing more than once to complete the project.
All written work needs to be your own and must be edited.
You may use any format you like to create the project (Microsoft Word/PPT; Online Blogs, Online Photo programs, etc.)
You must have a minimum of 300 words and 5 images. You may have more, though.
Part 1: Cover
Design a cover with a title, your name, and date
You may use a photograph or a few.
You will include at least one photo that illustrates the place or thing that you have selected.
Part 2: Introduction
Write a paragraph that introduces your photo essay. For example, “This photo essay is about….”
Your introduction will explain why you chose what you did.
It will have a closing sentence that invites people to enjoy reading your essay.
Part 3: Body
Describe what makes this place or thing special or unique to Colorado
Part 4: Conclusion
This is the last part of your photo essay. You will write a paragraph that:
Explains what you have learned about the place or thing.
Share your thoughts and feelings about creating the photo essay.
Surfing in Hawaii
Hawaii is one of the best tourist destinations because of the surfing. The ocean temperature in Hawaii is between 78 and 81 degrees throughout the year, making it ideal for water sports. Getting in the water is fantastic because people do not have to wear wetsuits to protect themselves from the cold water. Furthermore, it because of the temperate climate that many people choose to spend their leisure time surfing. In addition, surfing lessons are cheap and are given hourly at Waikiki Beach. However, if people do not want to take lessons they could always head to the North Shore to watch pro surfing competitions. Each year thousands of tourists travel to Oahu’s North Shore to experience some of the biggest waves in world. People flock to beaches, like Pipeline and Waimea Bay, to watch pros riding the waves. Therefore, if you want to experience the sport and culture of surfing, Hawaii is the best place to travel to.
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