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Major Argument Essay
- 我在下面列出了非小说类书籍,但欢迎你找到你更喜欢的书。在选择书籍时,也要考虑你要写什么类型的论文。
- 《完美风暴》,作者塞巴斯蒂安-荣格
- 《玻璃城堡》。回忆录》,简妮特-沃尔斯著
- 《冷血》,杜鲁门-卡波特著
- 《Into Thin Air: 珠穆朗玛峰灾难的个人记录》,乔恩-克拉考尔(Jon Krakauer)著 《进入荒野》,乔恩-克拉考尔著
- 《广岛》,约翰-赫西著
- 《丁克溪的朝圣者》,安妮-迪拉德著
- 《快餐国家》,埃里克-施洛瑟著
- 《Nickel and Dimed: 在美国(不)过得去》,Barbara Ehrenreich著 《进步的悖论》,Gregg Easterbrook著
- 《无处的地理》,詹姆斯-霍华德-康斯特勒著
- 《摆脱奴役》(Up From Slavery),布克-T-华盛顿著
- 《像爵士乐一样的蓝色》,唐纳德-米勒著
- 安妮-拉莫特(Anne Lamott)的《旅行的恩惠》(Traveling Mercies)。
Major Argument Essay
You are going to begin a major essay that responds to a longer work of nonfiction. For this essay,
you will read a work of nonfiction that interests you. While reading this book, you will take notes responding to the arguments made by the author. You will analyze purpose and thesis, and you will respond to the argument with additional evidence. Using additional sources, you will agree with, disagree with, or qualify the argument your author makes. This is an argument, NOT an analysis.
Your final product will be a 6-8 page essay in which you will make your own argument based on the argument, or an argument, of the book you have chosen. This may be more difficult for a narrative such as The Perfect Storm, but you may also find a more interesting angle because of the difficulty.
Purpose: To learn all you can about and through the independent process of research and scholarship in a library and then make the strongest case possible for an argument based on the book you have chosen.
Audience: Let’s assume a college-age audience who has read the same book you have and is reading your essay for a thoughtful commentary on one of the arguments it contains.
The Details:
-A 6-8 page essay in which you introduce your thesis on the topic your book addresses and then make your case in an informative, persuasive way.
-You will use your book as the primary source and then 6-10 secondary sources from the research you’ve done.
-The emphasis in this paper will still be on the primary source; the secondary sources will be used to support, broaden, deepen, suggest alternative interpretations, or provide a context for a point.
-You can quote, paraphrase, or summarize, but you must, of course, CITE your sources for any thinking that is not your own. This is why you take careful notes.
-Plagiarism is a big deal. Colleges have strict standards about this, and so should you. Do not plagiarize.
-While your audience has read the book, it is still important to build a context around your argument, reminding your reader of key parts of the book in order that he or she can judge the validity or your thesis.
-Your voice should be formal, in third person, and with no contractions, casual references, or slang.
- I have listed nonfiction books below, but you are welcome to find a book you would enjoy more. Think about what type of paper you are writing when selecting a book as well.
- The Perfect Storm, by Sebastian Junger
- The Glass Castle: A Memoir, by Jeannette Walls
- In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote
- Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster, by Jon Krakauer Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer
- Hiroshima, by John Hersey
- Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, by Annie Dillard
- Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser
- Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, by Barbara Ehrenreich The Progress Paradox, by Gregg Easterbrook
- The Geography of Nowhere, by James Howard Kunstler
- Up From Slavery, by Booker T. Washington
- Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller
- Traveling Mercies, by Anne Lamott
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