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Assignment 2: The Politics of Organisational Structure
Millennium Airlines is facing a world of challenges. Climate change, pandemics, and an unruly collection of internal political squabbles are all threatening to bring the airline to its knees. You are required to restructure the organisation to enable it to more effectively compete in its industry, but first you’ll have to overcome the politics and turf wars inside the organisation. You are required to provide:
- A six-minute video brief to the Group Director Strategy on your proposed restructure, and the structure you would have liked to implement in the absence of organisational politics
- Written submission of (1) an ideal structure; and (2) a recommended structure for the organisation
Politics of Organisational Structure
Type: Report
Learning Objectives Assessed: 1, 2, 4
Due Date: 12 Oct 21 13:00
Weight: 40%
Task Description:
Textbooks often portray strategy as a-political (without politics). However, this is a misleading impression. Organisations represent a complex environment, featuring a mix of actors with different motivations, levels of influence, and bases of power. These dynamics are most apparent during periods of organisational restructuring, where textbook models of best practice in organisational design are often rendered impossible by clashes between different actors motivated by competing interests. Students will be introduced to a hypothetical organisation, Millenium Airlines, which is restructuring to ensure its ongoing competitiveness in the face of challenging circumstances in its external and internal environment. Using information about the organisation and theory on organisational politics and structure, students will recommend a restructure which accounts for political realities of the organisation by completing:
- a video brief to a member of the organisation’s Executive which justifies their recommended structure; and
- written submission of an ideal and recommended structure for the organisation.
Submission:The following outputs are required for this assignment.(1) video brief to Group Director Strategy;(2) Millennium Airlines ideal structure; and(3) Millennium Airlines recommended structure.All final work is to be submitted through this BlackBoard link
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