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Description of the Task

Understanding your personality, your work values, and how you work in a team is extremely valuable for your life and career. In particular, developing insights into your individual strengths and weaknesses and your preferred role in a team can help you to function more effectively as an employee.For example, knowing your strengths can help you to become more resourceful when work is challenging.  This is because you can draw on your skills and knowledge to handle situations effectively.  You can also highlight your strengths to prospective employers when applying for positions in future.  On the other hand, knowing your weaknesses can help you to understand your responses to events, especially those that you find difficult or uncomfortable.  Furthermore, knowing areas that you need to improve can allow you to garner the necessary support needed to become happier, healthier, and more successful. You can, therefore, turn these weaknesses into strengths by acquiring the necessary support and resources you need to accomplish your goals.

Learning Objectives

The learning objectives of this assignment are:

  1. To develop self-awareness of your personality, your skills and competencies in the workplace, your work values, and how you work in a team  
  2. To identify key elements of the team learning dynamic, including the preferred roles of your other team members
  3. To develop skills in searching the organisational behaviour literature 
  4. To learn how to apply evidence from the scholarly literature to analyse your personal results
  5.  To learn how to cite sources and format a Reference List appropriately
  6.  To begin developing your written communication skills

Suggested Starting References

Barrick, M. R., & Mount, M. K. (1991). The big five personality dimensions and job performance: a meta‐analysis. 

Personnel Psychology, 44(1), 1-26. McCrae, R. R., & John, O. P. (1992). An introduction to the five‐factor model and its applications. Journal of Personality, 60(2), 175-215. 

Instructions for Completion

In order to successfully complete this assessment task, you are required to complete the following activities:

  • Ensure that you join a workshop team in tutorials in Weeks 2 or 3
  • Complete the self-assessments and other relevant activities prior to Week 3 and 4
  • Read the Marking Rubric carefully and refer to it regularly while writing your report
  • With respect to your personality and work values, you will need to think about what your results mean and how your results will affect how you work in your team. You will need to include evidence from the scholarly literature to support your ideas
  • With respect to your Team Roles, you will need to consider how you prefer to work in your team and also how the results of your team members will affect the team’s effectiveness overall.  Additionally, based on these results, you will need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your team and the possible consequences for your team’s functioning.  For example, if your team results show that no one in your team is a natural leader, what is likely to happen to the team?  Alternatively, what if no one in the team is highly conscientious and detail-oriented – what will this mean for the team? You will then need to use evidence from the scholarly literature to identify how you will address or overcome the consequences
  • Attend tutorials in Weeks 3 and 4 to discuss your self-assessment (i.e., survey) results and compare these with the results of your team members
  • Keep a record of team discussions, observations, and any other relevant details
  • Search the literature to compare and contrast your results with scholarly research
  • Write a 1000-word Individual Profile (+/- 10%) following the requirements in the marking rubric

Survey results should be included in the Appendices.  In the description of team members’ roles, students should refer the marker to the Appendix to read their team members’ results in depth.


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