🍐 我们总结了英国代写中——Consumer Behaviour代写的经典案例,如果你有任何代写的需要,可以随时联络我们。CoursePear™ From @2009。(York代写)
Word count requirements
The word count for this assignment is 2000 words.
You must state on the front of your assignment the number of words usedandthiswill be checked.
The main text for this assignment must be word-processed in Arial, font 12, doublespacing, minimum 2cm margins all around.
You must observe the word count specified in this assignment brief. The School hasa policy of accepting variations to the recommended word count of plus or minus10%.
What does this mean for you?
Markers will mark your work up to the word count maximum plus 10%andthenwill stop marking; therefore, all words which are in excess of the word count plus10%will not be marked.
Where your word count is more than 10% below that specified, it is likely that thiswill result in a lack of analytical depth or relevant content, which will be reflectedinthemark assigned.
What is in the word count?
The word count includes:
– the main text, including in-text reference citations and quotations. The word count does not include:
– Appendices
These may be used to include supporting data, which may be toodetailedorcomplex to include as a Table. They are not a device to incorporatematerial, which would otherwise cause you to exceed the word limit.
– Title page
– Contents page (not necessary in this assessment)
– Abstract/executive summary (not necessary in this assessment) – Tables, figures, legends
– Reference lists
– Acknowledgements
Assessment task:
All of us consume, almost every day, to a lesser or greater extent. This assessment challenges you to reflect on your own purchases during the module, and toanalyseyour behaviour using consumer behaviour models, theories, frameworksandtechniques etc.
To begin choose two recent purchases (in the last two years but preferablymorerecently), one from each of the two categories below:
1. A low value purchase (below £30). This might include, a pen, a glass of wine, a chocolate bar, entry to a club, a ticket for an event, a burger, somethingfrom a weekly/monthly food shop, a haircut, a new piece of clothing, shoesormake-up, a cosmetic item, a train ticket, a meal at a restaurant, a tattoo, yourshare of an electricity bill, a subscription or similar.
2. A high value purchase (anything above £30). Try and choose somethingthat you would not buy routinely – perhaps the highest value thing youhavebought in this last year. This could be an item of clothing, a ticket toanevent or makeup.
Please do not choose: A handbag, a mobile phone or a laptop/computer. For each of the above reflect on:
What influenced the purchase?
Why did you make the purchase?
Were you ‘nudged’ to make the purchase?
How did you make the purchase?
How did you feel after the purchase? E.g. Would you repeat the purchase?For each purchase:
Highlight and apply, models/theories/areas that explain your purchases Make sure you choose different theories/models for each of thetwopurchases. Remember that this may not be about justifying your purchasesas correct. It may be that through the application of models/theories etc. youhighlight irrational or negative behaviour and may conclude that thedecision-making processes was flawed or problematic.
For theories/models which have been discussed in the module you can assumethat we know the theory/model/area and you do not have to explain its elements- just apply it to the situation. If you use a theory/model which has not been coveredinthemodule you will need to explain this (but consider carefully if you want to dothisasthis will use your word count quickly).
Make sure you give us some of detail about the purchase itself as backgroundtoyour application/analysis – when did you buy it, what specifically did you buy, where
were you for the purchase, where you alone etc.? Remember too any ethical issuesin the purchase of the products/services.
Make sure that in this analysis you draw on consumer behaviour theory andshowwider reading from the academic and non-academic literature (you may alsodrawonmarket/industry literature).
A word count breakdown is suggested below. However, this breakdownissuggested only as a guide; you may choose to present your assessment inadifferent format if you feel this is appropriate:
• Introduction: approx. 100 words
• Introduction to the low value purchase (when did you buy it, what specificallydid you buy, where were you for the purchase, where you alone etc.): approx. 150 words
• Application to the low value purchase: approx. 750 words (discussionandanalysis using theories, models and frameworks).
• Introduction to the high value purchase (when did you buy it, what specificallydid you buy, where were you for the purchase, where you alone etc.): approx. 150 words
• Application to the high value purchase: approx. 750 words (discussionandanalysis using theories, models and frameworks).
• Summary: approx. 100 words
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