🍐 我们总结了OSU代写中——Essay代写的经典案例,如果你有任何英语代写的需要,可以随时联络我们。CoursePear™ From @2009。
How did we get here?
It is early in the semester, but we have accomplished quite a bit already. You have introduced yourself to your classmates and have learned a bit about their backgrounds and interests. You have been introduced to the idea of joining a research community. As a class, we have gradually gained more confidence in interacting with collections and archives and understanding multimodal composition. We have also talked about information and information literacy: what counts as information, what information has value, and who has access to information. Our beliefs about information impact our research and writing processes, as these beliefs help us decide where to look, what voices to seek out, and how to interpret information.
What are we doing?
Your goal for this assignment is to find 3-5 items from our class archives that you would like to study and learn more about. These archival objects could be a mix of short written documents, posters, sound recordings, advertisements, postcards, artworks, speeches, or other items that will help you start thinking and developing ideas about your research topic and interests.
Once you have selected the archival objects you want to work with, compose and design a collage in Canva. When making a collage, you will want to consider layout, size, style, color, and framing.
Then, contextualize and present your archival collage by composing a textual or video text that describes and explores the relationship among these items. You have two composing options for this project:
Option 1
Write an essay between 750-1000 words in a Word document that narrates your process of using the collections and archives, contextualizes your archival collage, and describes the relationship among the archival objects in your collage.
Option 2
Compose a short screen capture video recording (5-7minutes) that narrates your process of using the collections and archives, contextualizes your archival collage, and describes the relationship among the archival objects in your collage. You have multiple video recording platforms to choose from, such as Canva and Zoom.
For both options, you should focus on the following questions:
Method: How did you find your archival materials? Which collections and archives have you consulted and used? Did you use specific archival tools such as keywords, document type, publication title, and/or other ways to find the items? What do you think is missing from the archive based on your research topic?
Modality: How are the materials similar or different in their modality (posters, advertisements, sound recording, photos, flyers, speeches…etc.)? What do the modalities of your curated collection tell you about searching the archives?
Content: What information do these items give us? What are some of the arguments these items are making? How are the arguments similar or different from each other? What did you find most compelling after looking at your multimodal archival materials
Questions: What open-ended research questions can be developed based on your observations? What are some of the emerging questions that you came up with while you were contextualizing your archival materials? Generate at least two (2) possible research questions.
Why are we doing this?
Working with a digitized collection or archive will give you experience locating, identifying, interpreting, and using primary sources. Collections and archives are rich sources of multimodal materials, representing diverse perspectives where you will find objects you are interested in asking questions about. Documenting your search process and making connections across and among archival materials will help you generate research questions to explore in our next major project.
This project is designed to meet three of the Expected General Education outcomes for ENG 1110:
- Locate, identify, and use information through context-appropriate search strategies.
- Demonstrate responsible, civil, and ethical practices when accessing, using, sharing, or creating information.
- Compose and interpret across a wide range of purposes and audiences using writing, as well as oral, visual, digital and/or other methods appropriate to the context.
Where do I go for help?
In class we will practice searching the collections and archives. The essay by Gaillet and Rose, “At Work in the Archives: Place-Based Research and Writing” will provide some useful context for how to use collections and archives as well.
Collections and archives often provide user guides that can help you navigate and search materials. This documentation is often found on the archives’ “About” pages, but you might find instructions in various locations.
We will cover the technologies you can use for multimodal components of your project in our Studio Tutorials, but remember—Google is your friend. Many experts have already answered the questions you might have.
As you consider how to make your project accessible, check out “Using Personas.” This will help you to consider all the potential barriers to your work an audience might encounter and to take steps to make your work more accessible.
You will have the support of your peer conference group members and your instructor. They will see your work when you turn in a draft, but feel free to check in earlier with questions and ideas.
How will my work be assessed?
Grading | Specifications Uses captions, transcripts, descriptive, and/or alternative text, etc. to make project accessible to a wide audience Includes 3-5 items from an archive Shows connections among archive materials Provides narrative of and reflection on research process Includes 750-1000 words Asks 2 research questions Cites and documents all sources |
A (100): All specifications met or exceeded. Recording shows evidence of revision. | |
B (85): All specifications met. Minimal/no evidence of revision. | |
C (75): One specification not met. Minimal or no evidence of revision. | |
D (65): More than one specification not met. Minimal or no evidence of revision. | |
E (0): No specifications met. |
What about my other questions?
Questions are good. To get started on this assignment, please Ask Me Two Questions using our anonymous survey. We will discuss common questions and concerns in class and through Carmen. Please feel free to email, come to student office hours, and/or ask questions in class as well.
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