🍐 我们总结了多伦多代写中——GIS代写的经典案例,如果你有任何GGR代写的需要,可以随时联络我们。CoursePear™ From @2009。
This is in place of a final exam.
Late submission will not be accepted without a medical note or accessibility accommodations.
If you are require submission beyond this deadline, the Dept of Geography, Geomatics and Environment requires that you submit a request through the. for approval by the department. The course instructor is not able to approval these requests for the final paper.
Value: 30% of final grade
This assignment uses plagiarism software which compares to all other students in the course, all literature online and previous reports you have submitted. The settings are turned on to reveal your results immediately on submission.
The final report is the final assignment that concludes your course project (in place of an exam). Assignment #1 laid the foundation for Assignment #2. All three (Assignment #1, Assignment #2 and the Final Report) are part of the same project, so it is important to stay up to date on all course work. Review your assignment 1 and 2 feedback and please feel welcome to attend office hours with Hanlin (Thursdays/Fridays posted on Quercus) to review your feedback to work towards your next assignment. Hanlin graded your Assignment 2 work. It is okay if your research question changes! Please feel welcome to ask questions at any point in the process.
Your report will be a maximum of 10 pages double spaced, 12 point font, calibri font, must use APA citations in text and with a list of references at the end. The 10 pages of text does not include the list of references or an appendix with tables and maps. File types accepted: doc, pdf, docx
You should now have the following established for your course project from Assignment 2:
- A research topic with a motivation
- Some background literature that has a similar research question and used GIS
- A research question
- Data that could be used to answer your research question
- A draft report that has the following sub-headings:
- Introduction
- Research Question
- Data
- Analytical Methods with 3 different geospatial analyses
- Results
- Appendix
- Maps
- Table(s)
- References (in APA formatting)
You will update and expand on your work from Assignment 2 and add:
8. Discussion
- Discuss how your results answer your research question and how your results a limited in answering your research question
- Discuss how your results compare to the relevant literature you found. Did you find similar results or different results? Why might that be (study design, geographic area, data, etc.)
- Discuss the equity and bias concerns in the results you found and how that is linked to the data you used.
- Discuss the implications of the information you generated
9. Recommendations
- What would you recommend based on the information you found towards your research question and motivation for your work?
- Who are you recommending this to? Who is your target audience (community, government, organizations, etc.) and at what scale of geography?
- What research/data/analysis steps would you recommend next to improve on the information you generated to more accurately and completely answer your research question?
10. Study Limitations
- Discuss the limitations of the data you used
- Discuss the limitations of your analysis that you encountered
- How might these limitations impact the results you found and therefore the recommendations you can suggest
11. Esri ArcGIS Online WebApp link
- Include a link to an Esri ArcGIS Online WebApp that displays your results. Ensure it has sharing permissions to be opened by someone in the UToronto environment. There wont be any opportunities to resubmit because this is an exam, so double check the sharing permissions.
Editing your work
- We will discuss editing writing for health geography in class with practical tips and approaches
- Build in time in your analysis and writing process to edit your report for flow, staying on topic to your research question, typos, and grammar.
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