🍐 我们总结了澳洲代写中——法学代写的经典案例,如果你有任何Law代写的需要,可以随时联络我们。CoursePear™ From @2009。
任务:你已经得到了一些信息,其中包括买方和卖方之间选定的电子邮件通信、订单的细节、合同条款和提货单。在这些文件中展开的情景中,你是Max,Holy Guacamole的所有者之一。
- 确定事实所引起的法律问题,并就Holy Guacamole公司的权利和义务提供建议;以及
- 就Holy Guacamole公司在与卖方接触方面下一步应该做什么提供建议。这应该包括关于Holy Guacamole应该考虑要求的最适当的补救措施的建议。
除了考虑Holy Guacamole的权利和义务以及可能的补救措施外,你的说明还应该考虑卖方可能提出的论点。进一步的说明出现在本文件的最后。
你的回答应确定法律问题是什么,并表明你对相关规则的理解。你应该用你自己的语言解释法律,以及它如何适用于该场景,而不是 “引用 “法律。大部分分数分配给对法律如何与问题相关的分析以及你对如何利用法律解决这些问题的论点。好的回答会清楚地列出论点,并有效地利用事实来支持这些论点。这些论点应该是符合逻辑的、相关的,并且在当时的情况下是实用的。
Assessment Task 2 Final
Task: You have been given information, which includes selected email correspondence between a buyer and seller, details of an order, contract terms and bill of lading. In the scenario that unfolds in these documents, you are Max, one of the owners of Holy Guacamole.
Briefly, your task is to prepare a note for yourself and business partner (who has little exposure to the legal side of the business). This note should:
- identify the legal issues that are raised by the facts and provide advice on what Holy Guacamole’s rights and obligations are; and
- provides advice on what Holy Guacamole should do next with respect to approaching the seller. This should include advice on the most appropriate remedies Holy Guacamole should consider claiming. In addition to considering Holy Guacamole’s rights and obligations and possible remedies, your note should also consider what arguments the seller may raise. Further instructions appear at the conclusion of this document. Due date: 23 September 2022, 11.55pm (submit via Moodle)
Weight: This task will be marked out of 25, and is worth 25% of your final grade.
Word length: 1000-1300 words (excluding title page, table of contents and references). Instructions: This is an individual task. You should prepare and write your note on your own. This task develops your ability to identify and respond to legal problems. It assesses your understanding of laws and principles as you apply them to legal issues. Your ability to evaluate your legal arguments and options is also assessed. Additionally, the marking criteria take account of your ability to communicate clearly, articulate arguments with support and draw conclusions appropriate to your discussion. In your response, you can go beyond these prescribed materials and draw on your own research. That is to say you can undertake your own independent learning and use that effectively. For example, using cases or commentary that help clarify relevant provisions or support your arguments. Key Criteria: Your response should be logically organized, written in paragraphs and use full sentences. Clear writing and clear identification of legal sources are rewarded in the marking rubric. When referring to the relevant rules remember to be specific: Identify the precise article/ rule/contract term you are relying on. You are encouraged to use headings and sub-headings. Your response should identify what the legal issues are and demonstrate your understanding of the relevant rules. You should explain the law in your own words and how it applies to the scenario, rather than ‘quote’ the law. Most marks are allocated to the analysis of how the law is relevant to the issues and your arguments as to how the law might be used to resolve those issues. Good responses will set out the arguments clearly and use the facts effectively to support those arguments. The arguments should be logical, relevant and practical in the circumstances. Students are advised to refer to the marking rubric when preparing for this task.
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