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JTC 300: Strategic Writing & Communication Industry Analysis Essay (25 points)

This introductory writing assignment requires you to research, analyze, and summarize the state of your future industry/career. The objective of this essay is to help you to establish realistic expectations for your future career as well as to practice outlining and writing a short essay.


For the industry in which you aspire to work, you must first identify and outline the chain of positions for your career choice: consider entry level, mid-level, and senior positions. Through the course of your research, investigate the trends and challenges you may face.

Answer the following questions:

1. Whataretheentry,mid,andseniorlevelpositionsforyourintendedfield?Forinstance,whatareposition
titles for each level? (e.g., senior designer). Whatisthefuturejoboutlook(i.e.,aretherealotofjobsavailableinyouraspiredfield;canyoufindany data about the number of graduates finding work in the industry)? Which regions provide the strongest and weakest outlooks (i.e., where might you need to move to obtain a job in your field)? Whatskillsandrequirementsaremostoftenconnectedtothistitleinyourindustry? Howaredifferentdemographics(gender,race,ethnicity,age,levelofeducation,etc.)representedinthis industry? How might this impact your own career preparations and aspirations? Whatistheaveragesalaryforthistitle?Whatistheaveragestartingsalary? Whyareyouinterestedinorfeelyouarewell-suitedforthisindustry?

You may want to use sites like GlassDoor, LinkedIn, the CSU Career Center, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics to help answer the above questions.


Your paper should be at least 1.5-2 pages, double-spaced. In writing your analysis, pay attention to how you
structure your essay. Include strong topic sentences and transitions for each paragraph followed by supporting details. Choose an organizational strategy that flows topically to improve readability of the essay (not necessarily in order of the questions listed). Additionally, cite at least two sources within your essay to back up claims and provide evidence for the points you make (include two sources at minimum, you can always cite more). Include a formal reference list at the end of your essay using APA style.

Skills to Practice

  •   Researching your aspired industry and compiling credible sources
  •   Constructing and organizing an essay
  •   Writing strong topic sentences and paragraphs
  •   Editing at the micro and macro levels
  •   Synthesizing information and critical thinking

Grading Rubric

Questions #1-7 are answered thoughtfully and thoroughly ____/15 Essay is structured effectively and formatted correctly ____/5 -Topic sentences, paragraphs feature supporting details, topical organization, etc.
-1.5-2 double-spaced pages
At least 2 credible sources are cited correctly (APA style) in text and in a formal reference list ____/5 Spelling and grammar errors cost between a half point (.5) and a full point (1) each. *Carefully proofread your work. TOTAL ____/25



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