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Literature/English Sample Paper 1

MLA – A Caged Bird

Brief: 这是最常见的English/Literature赏析课类 — A Caged Bird 《笼中鸟》的读后感。2 pgs,五段式Essay,带Quotes的PEEL段落格式。

Isolation denotes absence, such as lack of living beings, which can conjure up images of separation and detatchment. One could find such imagery in a caged bird, where an othewise free animal is confined to a small prison. Hence, Susan Glaspell, in her short story “A Jury of Her Peers,” uses isolation to uncover the unhappy life of Mrs. Wright, a woman accused of murdering her husband. Glaspell’s descriptions of the Wrights’ farm, the female characters’ loneliness in silence, and the social spheres between the genders help readers understand the “cages” that are used limit and define the characters.

Literature Sample Paper 2

MLA – A Desperate Old Man

Brief: 这也是常见的English/Literature赏析课类 – -John Cheever’s short story “The Country Husband”的Analysis Essay。2 pgs,五段式Essay,带Quotes的PEEL段落格式。

In the worst of battles, when there is no longer a reason to fight and no righteous cause for dying, even the bravest of troops are faced with the dishonorable thought of desertion. In a similar conflict John Cheever’s short story “The Country Husband” portrays Francis Weed as the protagonist who is presented with the notion of deserting his family with hopes of getting the attention he is desperately in need of from a young school girl named Ann Murchison. Does that make Francis a “dirty old man”? Well, with the use of historical war references and parallel structure John Cheever provides the reader with a better understanding of why Francis fantasizes about having an affair with Ann and the trauma residing in Francis Weed’s memory from his experiences in the war by constantly battling his family, society, and himself.

Literature Sample 3

MLA – UWIII Pure Essay

Brief: 这是Closed Reading类,用政治类事件去佐证做Evidence所给Reading写分析类。是本科3-4的English/Literature类必修常见文体。11 pgs,分sections类Essay,No Quotes,PEEL类段落格式。

As educated citizens in a democratic society, we are inundated with public comments, news releases, and other forms of communication from our elected leaders. It may be overwhelming; why do politicians express themselves in certain ways? How does such conversation reveal anything about them and their connection with voters? You may be wondering. Victory orations, a kind of speech with a strong historical connection to western civilization, offer an excellent object of study for addressing these issues. By examining two distinct speeches delivered on similar occasions, one by US President Barack Obama following his November election victory and another by British Prime Minister David Cameron following his party’s 2010 parliamentary election victory, we can gain a better understanding of the similarities and differences between a government’s and its people’s discourses. While the speeches have many aspects, they remain very distinct due to the varied relationships between politicians and people. Each of these puts long-held assumptions about the relationship between a government and its citizens to the test.

Literature Sample 4

MLA – “Capacity Theft” in Esther Brown’s Life

Brief: 这是本科3-4 / Master类,通过分析人物背景来分析其小说,Closed Reading类分析Essay。分析对象为整本书,7 pgs,带Quotes的PEEL类段落格式。

Saidiya Hartman recounts the history of a colored lady called Esther Brown who lived in the twentieth century in “the Anarchy of Colored Girls Assembled in a Riotous Manner.” Hartman delves into her wild and ferocious personality and the ramifications of her rebellious stance against society. However, in the middle of the tale, Hartman leads readers on a historical detour under the heading ‘the Future of Involuntary Servitude,’ which left me wondering whose story I was reading. Even after returning to the tale of Esther Brown, she narrows her attention to the punishments and events in the Bedford reformatory facility, which involved a large number of other women and young girls. By the conclusion of Hartman’s article, I was left wondering if I was reading about Esther Brown or a much larger tale. If the latter is accurate, the reader’s intended background for Esther Brown’s narrative would be substantially altered.

Literature Sample 5

MLA – Money Matters: Elizabeth Bennet’s Marital Motives in Pride and Prejudice

Brief: 这是傲慢与偏见的Literature Analysis,找一个中心点,比如本文的”Money Matters“开始展开用Evidence Based的analysis。带Quotes的PEEL段落格式,7 pgs。

Throughout Jane Austen’s book Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet seems to act on her own desires with more regard for her own emotions than her position’s reality. Notably, Ms. Bennet declines two very secure marriage offers since she is not interested in marrying the men who approach her. Toward the novel’s conclusion, Elizabeth reluctantly accepts Mr. Darcy’s second marriage proposal. Her acceptance of his second proposal does not reflect their compatibility or of his character, as Austen may imply. Elizabeth gets more familiar with Mr. Darcy’s money and how he utilizes it between the first and second offers. Whether it’s beautiful furnishings or preserving the Bennet family’s name, Mr. Darcy never fails to amaze Elizabeth with tangible riches expressions of his character. Although Austen makes reference to Elizabeth’s independence and progressive character in choosing Darcy as her spouse, Ms. Bennet’s primary motivations are socioeconomic in origin. These motivations are strongly influenced by the fact that Darcy’s persona is inextricably linked to his enormous fortune.


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