🍐 我们总结了新西兰代写中——Marketing代写的经典案例,如果你有任何Case Study代写的需要,可以随时联络我们。CoursePear™ From @2009。
- 第1页:标题页,包含课程代码(MKTG 202),一个描述性的、有趣的报告标题,任务的提交日期,你的全名,你的学生编号。
- 第2页:目录。
- 第3页:执行摘要(1/2页至3/4页)。这应该是对任务1和任务2的调查结果的总结。
任务1和任务2的发现。 - 第4-7页:这是页面限制的开始。
第6/7页:营销活动概述:大约1-2页,概述并说明你所建议的营销活动与相关措施。 - APA-7风格的参考文献列表(在新的一页)。
- 附录(在新的一页上)。附录可以包含任何与你的报告有关的补充材料。
You have just graduated from a BCom in Marketing. You have been hired by The Ministry of Health (MoH) to analyse the Smoking behaviour of New Zealanders, using data from the 2018 census. Assuming that the data provided is primary data, MoH wishes to understand the trends of smoking behaviour of various ethnic groups in Auckland in order to better advertise health promotion campaigns to reduce the smoking rate/encourage Aucklander’s to quit smoking. You have been provided with an excel spreadsheet containing the data needed to complete the market research report.
The data file can be found under Modules in Canvas.
Notably, MoH would like to identify the most at-risk target market (using the data provided in the excel spreadsheet) and identify any strategies that might get more Aucklander’s to quit smoking. Furthermore, the MoH wishes to understand how to better communicate to their target market.
For this assignment you are to consider their management decision problem (MDP) to be: To understand what the smoking trends of Aucklanders and identify the most at-risk market of regular smokers.
MoH have also thought of an appropriate marketing research problem (MRP).
MRP: Identify New Zealanders’ most at-risk market of smoking related illness (from the 2018 census)
and identify the opportunities for reducing the number of New Zealanders who smoke.
Write a short market research report addressing the MDP and MRP from above. Your key task for Part 1 is:
Summary of trends and theoretical background
In relation to the MRP, you are to outline and discuss the insights drawn from the data. Discuss the trends and patterns that emerge from the data and the any implications that may arise.
Provide a brief theoretical background on what structured and unstructured data are, machine learning, supervised and unsupervised learning and predictive modelling. Provide recommendations for other types of data to be collected to help further identify the most at-risk market of regular smokers. Your discussion should also include any ethical issues that may arise. Justify your reasoning with secondary research.
With the trends and patterns you have identified in the data and the other data you have suggested to collect, provide MoH with an outline of a marketing campaign designed to encourage the identified most-at risk target market to quit smoking.
This campaign can be (but is not limited to) e-mail marketing, social media advertisements, video content, static imagery, celebrity endorsement or TV advertisements. The campaign should outline any relevant measures, for future digital analytical research, including but not limited to reach, click rate, conversion rate and bounce rate. Justify your choice of marketing campaign and measures for future analytics. Justify your choice of marketing campaign using evidence from Task 1 (i.e. the primary or secondary data). Your campaign should be original content.
Below is a suggested structure:
• Page 1: Title page with course code (MKTG 202), a descriptive, interesting title of your report, submission date of your assignment, your full name, your student ID.
• Page 2: Table of contents.
• Page 3: Executive summary (1/2 page to 3/4 page). This should summarise the findings from Task
1 and Task 2 of the Assignment.
• Pages 4 – 7: This is where the page limit starts:
▪ Page 4: Background, problem definition and theoretical background: up to 1/2 of a page about
why is this report needed? What is the MDP and MRP (and its components if relevant) that the report will address? You CAN copy and paste the MDP and MRP word-for-word, there is no point in rephrasing them.
▪ Page 4/5: Task 1: up to 2 pages answering the MRP with reference to the data and providing recommendations for other data to be collected. Consider putting your findings in tables/graphs and/or using infographics to save space; but remember to briefly interpret the graph/table/infographic too.
▪ Page6/7:Outlineofmarketingcampaign:approximately1-2pagesoutliningandjustifyingyour proposed marketing campaign with the relevant measures.
• APA-7 style reference list (on a new page).
• Appendices (on a new page). Appendices may contain any supplementary material relating to your
report which doesn’t fit into your page limit. Remember to ensure that key findings/important material is included in the body of your report rather than putting everything in the appendices. Also, ensure that you refer the reader to the relevant appendices in the main body of your report.
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