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MGX3121 A1
Individual Report (A1)
Monday 9.30am Week 9
40 percent
2,400-words (from the title of the Introduction, to the last word of the Conclusion; tables and figures are included in the word-count). See word allocations below. There is NOT a percentage allowance for the word count.
Deepika Chopra’s main competitor is also planning on further international expansion. Choose one of the three options:
- FME Apparel: Apparel (outerwear)
• https://www.fmeapparel.com.au/ - Who Gives A Crap: Toilet paper
• https://au.whogivesacrap.org/ - Aqua Botanical: Bottled water
• https://aquabotanicalwater.com/
Prepare a strategic assessment report for one of the above firms and their proposed international expansion. NOTE, it should be just as likely that internationalisation or further expansion is not going to be recommended, compared to as it would be.
Guidance for success
Throughout Moodle there are just-in-time ‘Tips & Insights’ (see p. 3). These provide very valuable guidance for successful completion of components of the Individual Report – please use them. Look for the ‘Tips & Insights’ banner in Moodle:
Contents and structure
The report should include:
- Title page*
- Executive summary*
- Table of contents*
- Evaluation of sources*
- Introduction*
- Investigations of the firm’s (each as major sections)
o International business strategy motivations, conditions, and path^ o International business values^
o Competitivelandscape^
o Resourcecapability^
o Global strategy position^
- Recommendations for the firm’s internationalisation*
- Conclusion*
- References* Watch the video ‘Creating the Individual Report (A1) file’. * This section has ‘Tips & Insights’ in Moodle (see p. 3)
^ The capabilities to successfully complete this section are specifically developed in class
MGX3121 A1
Word allocations
400-words per each investigation
400-words combined for the Introduction (150), Recommendations (100), and Conclusion (150)
Investigation sections
The respective investigations require the demonstration of all three fundamental components:
- The concise identification of the appropriate concept(s) from the Unit
- The brief outline of process and comprehensive application of the appropriate concept(s) to the selected firm or its context, presented as a table
- This will require the explicit assessment of the firm and or its context (i.e., the assessment is demonstrated in each respective section)
- An outcome from the assessment needs to be determined
- The interpretation of the application outcome using the academic literature
• Using the academic literature, sensitise the firm’s attention to what the outcome
means for their international expansion potential
Again, all three fundamental components need to be demonstrated to achieve a Pass grade in an investigation section.
Before completing an investigation section, read through the ‘Example Investigation Section’ file.
It is extremely important to engage with international business journal articles and explicitly use these in the report. The list of international business journals is in the Resources section of Moodle. You are encouraged to use the assigned academic readings. Do not use the case studies.
• In the assigned readings for the assessed topics, there are 24 academic journal articles, including 15 from the listed international business journals
It is extremely important to engage with the marking rubric throughout the preparation and completion of the report. Ensure that all elements are attempted, and that the demonstration is explicitly aligned with the criteria (use the various ‘Tips & Insights’ in Moodle, see p. 3).
Use the Library’s excellent online resources (e.g., Research and writing for assignments). Complement these with regularly (i.e., weekly, from the beginning of the semester) using the Library Drop-In Sessions and Study Support Consultations to develop crucial skills and obtain feedback on your report. Use the Style points (Resources section in Moodle) to prompt feedback attention.
Save you report as an MS Word (.docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file with the following file-title structure:
• MGX3121_A1_Surname_ClassTime – e.g. MGX3121_A1_Waiata_3pm.docx
Check your report is complete and correct (i.e. not a draft version, or an assignment for a different
Upload the report
- Do NOT submit the report as a PDF file
- Do NOT include a coversheet (one will be automatically generated during submission), and
- Do confirm the submission (do not leave in draft status)
MGX3121 A1
These sections have ‘Tips & Insights’ in Moodle:
- Title page (Week 1 section)
- Executive summary (Week 1 & 7 sections)
- Table of contents (Week 1 section)
- Evaluation of sources (Resources section)
- Introduction (Week 1 section)
- Recommendations for the firm’s internationalisation (Week 7 section)
- Conclusion (Week 7 section)
- References (Resources section) Other ‘Tips & Insights’ to watch for in Moodle:
• Resources section
o Effective note sharing with teammates
o Five simple ways to sharpen your critical thinking
o Referencing FAQs (inclusive of evaluation of sources and referencing Tips & Insights)
• Assessment section
o MGX3121 mark worksheet
o Progressive assessment program
o Preparing for and demonstrating HDs o Tips for the Individual Report (A1)
o Creating the Individual Report (A1) file
• Team section
o Cultural agility
o Benefits of teams and teammates
o Tips for managing your team
o Library team tips
o Diverse teams are successful, though still need investment and management
• Week 0 section
o MGX3121 Wk0 & Wk1 activity checklist o Tips for planning your study week
o How to get high marks
• Week 1 section
o MGX3121 Wk0 & Wk1 activity checklist (repeat from Week 0)
o Tips for reading academic articles
o Report preliminaries and introduction (inclusive of title page, executive summary, table of
contents, evaluation of sources, and introduction) • Week 2 section
o MGX3121 learning routine
o MGX3121 learning activity time
o Weekly learning routine: Introduction to consolidation o Weekly consultation sessions
• Week 3 section
o Passing the Individual Report (A1)
• Week 4 section
o Individual Report (A1) progress
• Week 7 section
o Report recommendations, conclusion, and executive summary (inclusive of
recommendations, conclusion, and the executive summary) • Week 8 section
o Individual Report (A1) final checks (Monday 9.30am)
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