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MUSC-151/3.0 Winter 2024
Introduction to Instrumental Composition
Dr. Dean Burry ([email protected])
DUE: Jan. 31
Please upload 300-word proposal for my consideration by Sept. 30. I will review the proposal
and make suggestions/adjustments before you being work on the lecture. If you want to email
me with a few ideas, I would be happy to help you narrow it down.
DUE: 10-minute in-class presentations will begin Thursday March 11
Students will present an 8-10 minute in-class lecture (including projected images and audio
examples) detailing a topic from the world of instrumental composition. The presentation can
include any genre of instrumental music (classical, pop, folk, jazz and international music).
Some examples of topics could be the music (or music for a specific instrument) of a certain
composer or period, the evolution/history of a specific instrument or the artistic practise of a
specific musician who has excelled in instrumental performance. The lecture must be
supplemented by images (ideally including scores) and audio/video examples. (Note: video
and audio examples should be brief and constitute no more than 2 minutes of the
Overall Value – 15%
Presentations will be marked with a letter grade and will receive an A+ considering the
following factors:

  • An interesting and thoughtful topic
  • A well explained proposal outlining an approach both to the examination of the material and
    the manner it will be presented
  • Grading of the presentation itself will be divided 50/50 between CONTENT and
    CONTENT: Does the presentation contain plenty of meaningful material and is the
    examination of the topic supported by relevant audio-visual material?
    PRESENTATION: Is the lecture presented in a clear and engaging way? Are images
    easy to read and understand? Is the lecturer speaking clearly.
    Presentations which do not reach this level in one or two areas will receive an A or A-. B+, B
    and B- are still indicative of effective lecture though lacking in several areas. Lectures in the C
    range reflect significant errors in multiple areas and/or a lack of effort.
    Feel free to contact me if you would like to meet to discuss your presentation or also to
    email me for consideration and advice.


people at concert

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