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The aviation sector is a top-ten global emitter whose emissions are expected to rise dramatically by mid-century. Under current scenarios, the aviation sector could emit 56 GtCO2 over the period 2016-2050, or one-quarter of the remaining carbon budget (Carbon Brief, 2016). It is critical that the global aviation sector contribute its fair share towards achieving a 1.5°C future. Aviation, therefore, needs to immediately start to reduce its in-sector emissions, then rapidly reduce its emissions and fully decarbonize toward the second half of this century. IATA currently addresses climate change with industry and government on ambitious targets to mitigate CO2 emissions from air transport. ICAO has also set up guidelines and tools in calculating and reducing emissions during the travelling by air. With the global aviation sector aims achieving zero CO2 emissions and zero non-CO2 effects on the climate by the end of the century, national governments, subnational governments, the aviation industry, international institutions, the private sector, and civil society must do more to harness viable technological and policy solutions to sharply reduce the sector’s emissions by 2050 and fully decarbonize within the second half of the century.
Currently airlines have carried out various initiatives on carbon emissions, for example, carbon disclosure project, sustainability report, emission calculator, aircraft and materials design, recycling, renewable energy, carbon offset programmes, fuel efficiency and monitoring systems, etc.
Role and Tasks
Your team has been hired as consultants to IATA. Based on the background noted above, you are requested to carry out a detailed evaluation about the environmental sustainability and carbon emission mitigation activities on a selected airline company. Based on the company financial performance, fleet size and profile, routing and service network, the environmental analysis should include quantitative and qualitative reviews. These could be, but not limited to, the followings:
- Company target on fuel and emissions;
- Current overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the company;
- Analysis on the performance of GHG emission in the past three years;
- GHG emissions per available tonne kilometers (ATK) and/or flight/trip;
- Fuel and energy consumption performance;
- Routing and network initiatives with consideration of emission mitigation;
- Recycling and carbon offset programmes;
- Adoption and implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); and
- New aviation technologies
- Comparison to other Airlines
- Recommendations in achieving the carbon emission mitigation
With reference to the performance evaluation and analysis, benchmark and compare the environmental sustainability performance against other airlines and provide three recommendations to your selected airline in achieving the carbon emission mitigation towards the set target. The recommendations could be focusing on the details of one or two suggestions, e.g. the strategic plan, new business model, operational enhancement, process improvement, sustainability programmes, technology initiatives, emission trading schemes, alternative fuels, or other environmental sustainability initiatives. You could focus on the emission performance of aircraft operations in details or your scope could include the aircraft, ground operations and office support. You can select any airlines by your own, e.g. Qantas, New Zealand Airline, China Airlines, Cathay Pacific Airways, Emirates, British Airways, Singapore Airlines, ANA, Lufthansa, KLM, etc. (Note: One company per group; groups cannot duplicate the same company name). You are expected to search in the airline on-line reports (e.g. annual reports, sustainability reports, etc.), news article, journal papers, airline webpage, IATA and ICAO homepage, on-line carbon calculator, etc. in carrying out the analysis.
About the Presentation
Your team are requested to present your findings to IATA members and the management representatives of your selected airline as well as invited audience, including Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK), Civil Aviation Department, and Environmental Department. There will be about 15 minutes for the presentation, followed by a 5 minutes Q&A section.
About the Report
The report should cover, at least, a basic structure, including content page, introduction, analysis, recommendation, and conclusion. The length of the report could be about 3,500 words (excluding reference and appendix).
Important dates
- Presentation: L01 – 25 April, 2022 (Mon) // L02 – 27 April, 2022 (Wed)
- Presentation file submission: 22 April, 2019 (Wednesday) – upload soft copy PPT. file to Moodle.
- Written report: 29 April, 2022 (Friday) – upload soft copy of PDF. File to Moodle.
Requirements and guidelines
- The structure, layout, and content of the proposal, presentation, and report are of high importance.
- Students are expected to prepare professional visual aids, e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint or other similar aids, for the presentation. Please ensure each group of the audience will have at least one copy of presentation material for reference.
- Students must submit the presentation material and final report in softcopy to Moodle before the due date. The file name of presentation file and report must include the group number and class number, e.g. L01-Group 2. Marks will be deducted for any late submissions.
Marking criteria
The marking criteria include the presentation and the report. The percentages of mark distribution are as follows.
Presentation Items | Criteria | Percentage | Report Items | Criteria | Percentage |
1 | Contents | 40% | 1 | Contents | 60% |
2 | Organization, fluency, and effective use of visual aids | 25% | 2 | Organization, structure, presentation, and teamwork | 20% |
3 | Presentation skills | 10% | 3 | Signs of originality and insight | 10% |
4 | Q&A | 15% | 4 | Written English, content fluency, and | 5% |
5 | Time management | 5% | 5 | Submission punctuality and control of word count | 5% |
6 | Teamwork | 5% | Total | 100% | |
Total | 100% |
International organizations and government links
- IATA: https://www.iata.org/policy/environment/Pages/climate-change.aspx;
- IATA – carbon footprint: https://www.iata.org/whatwedo/cargo/sustainability/Pages/carbonfootprint.aspx
- ICAO: https://www.icao.int/Newsroom/Pages/ICAO-Council-reaches-landmark-decision-onaviation-emissions-offsetting.aspx
- ICAO emission calculator: https://www.icao.int/environmentalprotection/Carbonoffset/Pages/default.aspx
- European Union: https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/aviation_en
- HKSAR Cap 499 Environmental Impact Assessment: https://www.elegislation.gov.hk/hk/cap499
- Market: https://carbonmarketdata.com/en/products/world-ets-database/aviation
- Eurostat: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/environment/emissions-of-greenhouse-gases-and-airpollutants/air-emissions-accounts
- EDGAR: https://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/air/links/data-sources/emission-database-for-globalatmospheric
Airline environmental related database
- Carbon Market: https://carbonmarketdata.com/en/products/world-ets-database/aviation
- Eurostat: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/environment/emissions-of-greenhouse-gases-and-airpollutants/air-emissions-accounts
- EDGAR: https://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/air/links/data-sources/emission-database-for-globalatmospheric
Articles and papers
- Carbon Brief. (2016) Analysis: Aviation Could Consume a Quarter of 1.5C Carbon Budget by 2050. Carbon Brief. (Link: https://www.carbonbrief.org/aviation-consume-quarter-carbonbudget);
- Climate Action Network, Contribution of the global aviation sector to achieving paris agreement climate objectives
- Daggett, D. L., Sutkus, D. J., DuBois, D. P., & Baughcum, S. L. (1999). An evaluation of aircraft emissions inventory methodology by comparisons with reported airline data.
- Fukui, H., & Miyoshi, C. (2017). The impact of aviation fuel tax on fuel consumption and carbon emissions: The case of the US airline industry. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 50, 234-253.
- Jardine, C.N. (2009) Calculating the carbon dioxide emissions of flights. Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University Centre for the Environment. (Last accessed: https://www.eci.ox.ac.uk/research/energy/downloads/jardine09-carboninflights.pdf)
- Yamaguchi, K. (2010). Voluntary CO2 emissions reduction scheme: Analysis of airline voluntary plan in Japan. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 15(1), 46-50.
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