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Lace (10 points)

1A. In this Unit we learned about two different lace-making techniques. Identify these two techniques and compare (1) how they are made, (2) precursors to the techniques, and (3) characteristics of their finished products. (5 points) (maximum 5 full sentences)

1B. Scientific and technological innovation played a significant role in the spread and development of lace making. Give one example of a technological innovation that impacted the production of lace. Be sure to mention what the impact was. (5 points) (1-2 full sentences)

Tapestry (15 points)

2A. Throughout this Unit, comparisons have been made between textiles and other forms of art, such as Venetian gros-point lace and marble sculpture. Examples of tapestry produced during the “golden age” of European tapestry were discussed alongside two other forms of art. Identify one of these art forms and discuss the ways in which tapestry imitated or was inspired by it.

(10 points) (3-4 full sentences)

2B. Why were the visual and narrative components of tapestry important during the period of the “golden age” of tapestry? (5 points) (1-2 full sentences)

Meso-American Textiles (15 points)

3A. Identify the source of red dye abundant in Central and South America and briefly describe the process of cultivating and using the dye. (5 points) (1-2 full sentences)

3B. The circulation of this dyestuff was impacted by the Spanish conquests of the 1520s. Discuss the ways in which this dye was utilized within the Spanish colonial project and beyond.
(10 points) (2-3 full sentences)

Asante and Ewe Weaving (10 points)

4. For centuries, kente cloth has been imbued with symbolism and meaning. Briefly discuss two examples (historic or contemporary) of the symbolic function of kente cloth.
(10 points) (3-4 full sentences)


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