🍐 我们总结了美国代写中——Essay代写的经典案例,如果你有任何代写的需要,可以随时联络我们。CoursePear™ From @2009。(美国代写)
- Assess Stevenson’s attempt to understand our talk about values purely in terms of the “emotive meaning” of terms such as “good”, “bad”, “evil”, etc. How effective is Foot’s criticism of this approach, and what (if anything) could someone like Stevenson say in reply?
- Are all practical reasons “internal”? To what degree do facts about my motivational psychology inform or put constraints on what I really have reason to do?
Writing a Philosophy Paper
Take the time to lay a solid foundation. Typically, the first step in a philosophy paper will involve setting out some view (or set of views) that you want to criticize, or defend, or suggest some ways of revising. Take the time to do this set-up carefully. Before you can start criticizing Hobbes (or comparing him with Bentham or anybody else), you need to show us what you take him to be saying, what the main thrust of his argument is. This is not merely preparatory work prior to doing the real philosophy. It’s part of the philosophy itself, as real as any other part. The more attention you invest at this stage, the easier your work will be as you proceed.
Writing a Philosophy Paper
Define all special terms.
In any philosophical discussion, there will be either clearly technical terms (“a synthetic a priori proposition”) or ordinary words beings used in special or idiosyncratic ways (“pleasure,” “reason,” “happiness,” “utility,” “virtue,” “rights”). Don’t take it for granted that we all share the same sense of what these things mean when used by Mill, Kant, or whomever.
Early in the paper, set out just what the important special vocabulary is, along with what YOU take these things to mean in the context in question (i.e., what you take Hume, or Kant, or Aristotle to mean by “reason”, or what you take Bentham, Mill or Aristotle to mean by “happiness”). This way, even if I disagree with what you take these terms to mean, I’ll be able to follow your line of argument. (“Oh, that’s what she thinks Hume means by “passion.” I don’t think that’s quite right, but now I can see the point she’s making. It’s still a neat point, though had I not known how she was seeing things, I would have just thought this was all nonsense. Let’s change that C to a B+.”) When in doubt, define. It doesn’t hurt to err on the side of caution.
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