🍐 我们总结了美国代写中——音乐代写的经典案例,如果你有任何Essay代写的需要,可以随时联络我们。CoursePear™ From @2009。
Popular Music and Diversity in American Society Listening Log
-12点Times New Roman字体
对表演者或歌曲作者的描述(最多 2 分)。
Given the vast amount of popular music available for consumption from the 19th century to the present, there are many styles, artists, performances, and songs that are not able to be included within the semester’s lesson plan. To investigate some of these musical offerings, for this semester-long project, students will choose five popular musical examples not discussed in class and address them within a listening log (the artist, group, or songwriter may be discussed in class, but a different musical example would be needed for this assignment). The selected examples are at the discretion of the student, but each entry must address the following:
-Background on the songwriter or performer as applicable.
-Where and when might this example have been heard when it was first performed/released?
-A description of the example. What style of popular music does a listener hear? What characteristics can be discussed? If it is a visual example, what would an audience member see or experience?
-Using knowledge from class and any additional reading materials, how does the example reflect the style, time period, and/or performer or songwriter? Does the example meet any certain musical expectations or does it defy expectations?
-The author’s reaction to the example-did they like it? Why or why not?
-Approximately one-half of a page to one page per entry (can be longer if needed)
-12-point Times New Roman font
-1-inch margins
-Any necessary citations use Chicago-Style formatting
-A listing of the recording, video, or performance the author used while writing the entry
Each entry is worth 20 points for a total of 100 possible points
Description of the Performer or Songwriter (up to 2 points):
Not addressed: 0 points
Addressed: 2 points
Description of the Context/Setting (up to 2 points):
Not addressed: 0 points
Addressed: 2 points
Example Description (up to 8 points, including spelling and grammar):
Student does not address this component or only provides a minimal description with recurring errors in spelling and grammar: 0-3 points
Student provides a moderate discussion of this component, including a minor amount of supporting detail, with minimal errors in spelling and grammar: 4-5 points
Student provides a well-rounded discussion of this component, including supporting details, with few to no errors in spelling and grammar: 6-8 points
Discussion of Expectations and Reflection (up to 8 points, including spelling and grammar):
Student does not address this component or only provides a minimal discussion with recurring errors in spelling and grammar: 0-3 points
Student provides a moderate discussion of this component, addressing some basic information, with minimal errors in spelling and grammar: 4-5 points
Student provides a full discussion of this component with details and examples, with few to no errors in spelling and grammar: 6-8 points
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